Just in case you missed it, here’s what we were discussing a year or two ago the week of January 11:
Planning an organizing project? Don’t make this big mistake! This mistake will cost you your hard-earned cash and your sweet disposition.
Ask the Organizer: What do I store in wooden toy boxes? Yes, I suppose you COULD store toys in there, but that actually isn’t a great use for toy boxes. Here are some much better uses for this classic piece of children’s furniture.
Conquering the paper mountain in your home office If you’re dreaming about lighting a match and dropping it in your home office, you might want to read this post for a less illegal way to cope with your paper clutter.
Where do you fall on the clutter scale? Where does your spouse fall? No two people have the same idea of what constitutes “organized” and “clutter.” Here’s a way to talk about that without clawing each other’s eyes out.