Today’s post comes courtesy of Rachael over at She has some great things to say about how organization in the kitchen makes us better cooks (and I could really use some tips on being a better cook!) Please let us know what you think of her ideas in the comments below:
We spend a lot of time in our kitchens preparing meals for our families, so it should be a place where we don’t waste a lot of time or energy getting frustrated about not finding ingredients or tools that we need to pull meals together. We all know that organizing our kitchens can save us some sanity, but have you ever stopped to think about how your organized kitchen can make you a better cook? Here are three reasons why:
You’ll Save Time Think about the last time you went into your kitchen and were digging around looking for something. How long did it take you? Two minutes? Fifteen? When your kitchen is organized, everything has a place and finding whatever it is that you are looking for becomes something you don’t even have to think about. You are better able to walk into the kitchen and grab exactly what you need in a flash, because you know where it all is. Taking some time to get your kitchen in order can only reward you later if you have what you need to get meals you want to eat on your table.
You’ll Have More Energy To Create Meals To Be Proud Of At the end of a long day, are you jumping for joy at making dinner? Most of us aren’t. Which means that by the time we get there, we just want to get something on the table quickly. If our kitchens aren’t working for us, this usually means that the meals coming out of our kitchens are thrown together and uninspired. When your kitchen is organized, you are able to flow freely throughout your space. It is not as stressful coming up with meals and actually executing them, because you’ll be saving that energy from pulling pots and pans out of the back of the cabinet and using it on creating meals that you are proud to serve your family.
You Can See Exactly What You Have On Hand When you have visuals of the ingredients you have on hand, you are more likely to see the big picture of how meals can come together in flavor, texture, and nutrition. With neatly arranged and organized food storage, you can always be thinking ahead to your next meal idea and noting the items that need to go on your grocery list for your next trip. You can still create meals methodically with a protein, a whole grain and a vegetable, but you can do so with much more inspiration than simply grabbing from the freezer section of your grocery store.
For all of these reasons, you are steps ahead with meal ideas flowing to you for what you will put on the table that night. You’ll be able to go straight to that spot in the kitchen to grab the tools and ingredients you need to make that fantastic meal and get cooking!
What is one step you can take today to get a little more organized in your kitchen?
Rachael is the blogger behind and is the author of How to Cook For Yourself and Kick Start Your Kitchen. She writes about her passion for food, eating well while saving money, and inspires people to get familiar with their kitchens and cook for themselves.
Image courtesy of HoskingIndustries at Flickr.