Have you ever moved into a new house and lived with boxes for weeks or even months afterward? All of us at reSPACEd have, and we know how depressing that is! So we provide Organized Unpacking services to our clients. Within 2 days, a team of professional organizers can get an average size house almost completely unpacked and moved in.
We focus on what we call the Big 3 first: bathrooms, kitchen and bedrooms. This is because these are the rooms that homeowners use the most, so we want to get those up and functioning for the client by the end of the day. Our organizers know exactly how to unpack and set these rooms up so they are magazine-worthy. Imagine: All of your belongings are perfectly organized from Day One!
Once we have unpacked and placed everything inside drawers, cabinets and onto shelves, we Post-It Note the heck out of it, just like what Maia did for this homeowner’s closet in the picture above. This is so homeowners can find all of their things. We find that by the time the sticky notes fall off after a couple of weeks, the homeowner has all of the new locations of their items memorized anyway.
At the end of our organized unpacking session, we always break down all of the cardboard boxes and take everything out to recycling. Maia and I like to race each other to see who can break down the most boxes the fastest. I’m embarrassed to say she always beats me! She once broke down a stack of boxes the height and width of a smart car in under 4 minutes. Whew!
If you would like to use reSPACEd for an upcoming unpacking job, or if you want to make a house-warming gift of unpacking services, please reach out to us here, email me at info@respacedpdx.com or call me at 971-226-6055. We LOVE to unpack and set up people’s homes, and you will love how it feels to live in a perfectly organized house!
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