The topic of getting messy spouses to clean up always comes up at presentations I give to family groups. It can be so frustrating to live with someone who is making messes as quickly as you are cleaning them up!
But at the same time, nagging at him or her to tidy up just sows anger and resentment in a marriage. The messy spouse feels angry at you for treating him like a child. You feel resentful because you feel like you have to “parent” your spouse.
It’s hard for everyone.
But here’s the thing: Everyone has a standard of tidiness for their home, which is reflected in their home’s appearance on any given day. This is the state you keep your house in when you are sticking to your regular cleaning routine and following your usual organizing habits (or lack thereof.) This is the state that feels most comfortable and most natural for you.
Suppose we turn this state into a number on a tidiness scale. One equals squalor, the absolute messiest, disorganized state you can imagine. Ten is the neatest, most Instagram-worthy state you can imagine. Where do you fall on the scale on an average day? Where does your spouse fall?
Maybe you are a 7 on the scale, but your husband is a 4. Maybe you would like your husband to be more organized, to put things away more often and to generally be neater. By asking him to come up to your level, you are asking him to step out of his comfort zone and live in a state that is unnatural for him. Likewise, if he wonders why you spend so much time cleaning and wishes you would just “lighten up” and let it go, he’s asking YOU to step out of your natural state.
Who wants to live in an unnatural state in their own home? That’s why trying to get someone to change is so difficult, and why you will be met with so much resistance. Messy spouses have to decide for themselves to change their living standards, and this will only happen once they see the benefit to them.
So what can you do? Here is what I have learned works over the years:
- Let the messy spouse have a space to him- or herself that can be as cluttered as he or she would like. Maybe this space can be a craft room or garage or spare bedroom. Agree that the public spaces like the living room, dining room and kitchen will be kept neat. That way you get your natural state reflected in part of the house, and your spouse gets his or her natural state reflected in the other part of the house.
- Focus on what you can do with your own stuff. Do you have your own side of the closet? Your own side of the bathroom counter? Maybe you’re lucky enough to have an entire craft room, music room or garage that is yours to organize you please. Sometimes when the messy spouse sees how nice and clean your space is and how much more functional you have made it with your organizing efforts, he or she is inspired to work on his or her own space.
- Call in a professional organizer for a consultation. I find that most people are on their best behavior when an organizer comes over (maybe because it’s kind of embarrassing to argue in front of a complete stranger!) A good professional organizer can get to the heart of the matter AND discuss possible organizing solutions without either spouse falling back on their default arguments. The spouse might not be ready for actual organizing sessions, but just hearing a professional’s ideas can sometimes be enough to make the messy spouse a little more open-minded about getting organized.
Readers, what are your best tips for coping with a spouse that is messier or neater than you are? Share them in the comments below!
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