There are three important elements to have in place if you want your home to be organized (it’s not just about buying a bunch of pretty bins from The Container Store!) I tell my organizing clients that you can think of organization as a 3-legged stool:
One leg is Stuff: Have the right amount of it. If you have too much stuff in your home, then your home will be disorganized. That’s a no-brainer!
The second leg is Organizing Products: Have the right kind of products so you can store stuff in their “homes.” If you have the right amount of stuff, but no way to store it, your house will still be disorganized. For example, if you have a large book collection but no shelves, your books will lay in piles all over the floor, which will eat up floor space and make your home feel cluttered. You have to have the right storage products in the right place.
The third leg is Behaviors: Use the Organizing Homes consistently. If you have the right amount of stuff AND the right kinds of products to store the stuff BUT you never take the time to put things back away in their homes, then your house will STILL feel messy and disorganized. This third leg is often the leg that is hardest for people to implement, but it’s so critical!
So before you start your next organizing project, take a moment to think about the 3-legged stool analogy and see if you are ready to tackle all three “legs” of your project. Or call in one of our professional organizers to tackle that 3-legged stool for you! Your organizing project will be done faster, more accurately and with much less stress on your when you use one of our friendly, non-judgmental organizers. We would love to lend a hand!
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