During this pandemic, our bedrooms are our refuge — sometimes even from other family members! It’s where we go when we need some space, so here are 4 really basic, pretty easy tips to make your bedroom feel more orderly and welcoming:
1. Sometimes the easiest thing to do is to grab a laundry basket and a trash bag. Do a sweep through the room, and put anything that you want to keep, but doesn’t belong in your bedroom (e.g. mail, dirty dishes, your kids’ toys, etc.) in the laundry basket. Put all trash (and I’ll give you permission to put things that could be recycled in here too) in the trash bag. Those two categories alone should clear a significant amount of clutter from your bedroom.
2. During your peak energy time, put away the things in the laundry basket. Don’t know where they go? Put away what you can, and if you don’t know where it goes, set it aside in an empty Amazon box labeled “Needs a home.” I think during this global pandemic, it’s ok for now to keep things that don’t have a home in a box or basket until we have the cognitive and physical energy to be creative about finding new homes for things.
3. Grab all your clothes on the floor and put them in the laundry hamper to be washed.
4. If you have clean clothes to put away, put on some upbeat music to raise your energy level as you put it all away. Don’t have room in your closet or dresser? Grab a bag, open your closet/dresser, and pull out any clothes you haven’t worn in a year, don’t love, are uncomfortable or are unflattering. One of the main reasons we dread putting our laundry away is because our closets/dressers are overly stuffed!
Once this virus crisis is over, it’s good to fine-tune your bedroom organization, by doing things like carving out space for various activities or finding homes for all the things that end up on your nightstand or dresser-top. But for now, just keeping the clutter and trash out of your room will make a big difference.
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