Have your child empty out their backpack each Friday after school and put the papers in a pile to show you.
Paperwork about upcoming events can be entered in your master calendar. Then put any paperwork associated with those events in a folder on your counter labeled “Upcoming Events.” Include you current school year calendar, any sports team or extracurricular schedules, along with flyers about the school play, school auction, etc. The Upcoming Events folder is also where you put any birthday party invitations your child receives and tickets you have purchased for upcoming events.
Watch for paperwork that needs to be signed and returned. Take care of those papers promptly and put them right back in your child’s backpack so those tasks don’t weigh on you!
Artwork can be immediately hung up on the wall or fridge or placed into a paper portfolio for safe-keeping.
Worksheets and tests can be recycled. If you have a child who might be upset about seeing their worksheets and tests recycled, you might try designating a brown paper bag in your hall closet to hold all of their schoolwork that comes home. If they haven’t asked about any of their papers by the end of the semester, then feel free to pitch the entire bag into the recycling bin.
Does your child receive birthday and holiday cards in the mail? Provide a shoebox-sized container to hold all of those items and be sure to label it. Keep this box easily accessible (perhaps on a dresser top) so your child can add other cards they receive throughout the year. This is also a great place to store your child’s classroom Valentine’s they receive each year!
I hope you find these tips helpful! Please reach out to us if you need help setting up a custom paper management system in your home.
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