I’m so excited about this product that I have to devote a whole post to it!
You know how at the end of each school year, you end up with STACKS of artwork and schoolwork that your children made? And you know how it’s always so difficult to figure out how to store everything, especially those really big pieces? This artist portfolio finally solves that problem.
Made by HearthSong (and no, I’m not getting paid to endorse this product), this “My Art Place Portfolio” features 8 separate sections — one for each grade level up to 8th grade or 5th grade if you start collecting artwork in preschool — to store artwork by school year.
What is great about it is that it can accommodate oversize pieces of art, like that poster on the galaxy your little artist created on posterboard. It’s also expandable, so it will hold a lot of papers while remaining relatively flat. This means you can store it behind a dresser or under a bed.
I have been looking for a product like this to recommend to all of my parent clients for some time (I get asked about organizing kids’ schoolwork A LOT!), so this is perfect. And at $17.98 if you buy more than one, they are a great price.
Schoolwork organizing dilemma SOLVED! Read more about how to organize kids’ schoolwork and artwork here and here.
Image courtesy of HearthSong.