At first getting organized sounds like a great idea. You are inspired after seeing images of perfectly organized rooms on Instagram and Pinterest. You look at new containers and storage products in the stores with anticipation.
Then you look at your room that needs decluttering and a feeling of dread and exhaustion overtakes you before you even pick up the first object. You think, “There’s no way I could go through every single thing in this space! It would take forever!”
Inertia sets in and you walk away from your cluttered room for the umpteenth time without taking a single step toward your organizing goal.
It doesn’t have to be that way. Oftentimes, we let our feelings at the START of our organizing project determine whether we will begin that project or not. These feelings are usually of dread. We completely ignore the feelings we will have at the END of our project, which are typically feelings of joy, pride, satisfaction and relief.
Here’s a secret: Just start and give yourself permission to quit after 15 minutes if you really can’t stand it.
What I have found over the years is that clients who are anxious, overwhelmed or dreading their organizing project will move past those feelings within the first 15 minutes once we get started. They start to get into it, momentum builds, and they can see a light at the end of the tunnel.
Are you dealing with a tremendous amount of inertia, fear or overwhelm about your organizing project? Feel free to reach out to us at reSPACEd for help! We are trained to help people with anxiety and overwhelm get organized. We know all the tricks and tips to make it easier on you while moving the project along as painlessly as possible.
So whether you go it alone and try the 15-minute trick or call in one of our professional organizers in to help, know that you can do this! Don’t be fooled and tripped up by feelings that tell you you can’t.
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