Often we make getting organized harder than it needs to be! Here are 5 ways to make it easier on yourself Don’t plan on organizing all day long. Instead, plan to organize for 2 hours a day over a couple of days or over a few weekends. When we plan to organize all day, we […]
14 tasks you didn’t know your home organizer could help you with
We professional home organizers can do more than just organizing rooms for you. We can help you in a variety of ways around the house! Here are some other tasks we can help you with: 1. Packing for a trip/unpacking for a trip. We are really good at helping you think through what you will […]
Pretty organizing containers are not enough
Pretty containers and cool systems alone won’t keep you organized. You need two other pieces: Behavior and Motivation. Behavior: making time each day or every other day to put things back into their new system. Motivation: Remembering WHY you are making time each day to put things away. What are you moving TOWARDS? […]
Getting It Done When You’re Depressed: 50 Strategies For Keeping Your Life On Track
Most of our organizing clients struggle to get things done, and for many their procrastination is to an extent that impairs their life. Dishes pile up in the sink, mail goes unopened, clutter builds up in the living spaces of the home. Finding motivation to tidy up can be really daunting, but I strongly believe […]