This is one of my favorite posts: the annual Christmas List of Non-Toy Gifts to Give Kids. It started many years ago when I found myself in a quandary. As a professional organizer, I DID NOT want to contribute to the toy clutter that so many parents have to deal with. I don’t ever want […]
You’ll thank yourself for doing this quick post-Thanksgiving organizing task
Here’s a quick organizing tip in honor of The Day After Thanksgiving: As you wash up the Thanksgiving dishes and put them away, pay attention to the holiday dishes, platters and serving plates that got left behind in the cupboards and didn’t make it to the Thanksgiving table this year. These are the items you […]
Christmas Decor after Christmas: Recycling, composting, donating options in Portland
Christmas is over, which means it’s time for the worst part of the holidays for most people: taking down and figuring out what to do with all of the holiday decor. You can always call in one of our organizers to take down and pack up your Christmas decor for you. Click here for […]
Home organizers organize tiny house in San Francisco homeless program
I was searching for a good Thanksgiving-related story to share with you on this blog when I came across this incredible act of kindness two organizers showed a houseless woman living in a tiny house down in San Francisco. These are fellow organizers in the same professional association I belong to. Here’s the story: […]