You are probably aware of how quickly your purse, suitcase, laptop bag or backpack can become a blackhole for your stuff. The smaller the item, the more certain it is to disappear forever in the quicksand of your bag. That’s why this new organizing device called GRID-IT Organizer from Cocoon Innovations is so beneficial.
For about $10-30, this flat board covered in interwoven nylon elastic straps will hold all of your stuff under the straps in any configuration you need. In techie-looking black, blue, red or pink, this board is sized to fit into your purse, laptop bag, or suitcase. For those of you who are very visual, this is the perfect way to store all of your cords, gadgets, pens, and sunglasses so you can see where everything is at once. No more little zippered compartments.
This board is so superior in appearance to all those hokey-looking fabric purse organizers I’m seeing crop up everywhere. And it seems versatile enough to work in other spaces as well, such as attached to a wall to hold craft supplies or on the visor of your car.
What other ways can you see to use the GRID-IT? I’d love to hear ideas and opinions from those of you who have purchased it.
Image of GRID-IT Organizers courtesy of Cocoon Innovations. I was not compensated nor asked to review their products.