This homeowner has created a pulley system to suspend her child’s toys in baskets off the floor. Each pulley has its own label on the wall. It’s visually very interesting (the toys look like they are floating off into the sky in hot air balloons), but is it functional? Is it easy to use? What do you think of this unorthodox organizational system? Too much?
Image courtesy of Pinterest.
Jennifer Burnham says
The biggest challenge parents face with toy storage and use is where to put them and how to store them. Most play rooms have a few storage bins here and there, but the wall space is under utilized. I love the idea of suspending toys … somewhere. It is visually appealing with them floating in air. However, Im a fan of shelves or bookcases.
The other thing Im a fan of is “rationing” toys for each day of the week. The idea seems rigid at first, but kids actually enjoy the excitement of getting to play with a different set of toys and books each day. Its like Christmas everyday {essentially}.
respaced says
Hi Jennifer, I agree that wall space is seriously under-used in most playrooms, and as for ceiling space, it never crosses my mind to use it! Shelves and bookcases seem way easier for kids to use than pulleys. But maybe some kids who are really reluctant to put their toys away would be more willing to use a pulley system because it’s more fun. I never thought about rationing toys. What a great idea! Thanks for the comment.
Emily @ Make It Happen Mama says
My first thought was, oh goodness, what happens when the system malfunctions and one of the baskets comes crashing down?!? But then, we are a family of clumsy people 😉
respaced says
Emily, that is a very reasonable concern! Or what if the child puts something heavy in the basket (like books) that causes the basket bottom to break and the objects to fall? That could be really dangerous. Thanks for reading and commenting!
Jasmine says
I think for most people this would be overkill. But for children, the idea is fun and whimsical, because they are more likely to extract joy from the pulleys than, say, an adult using them to get office supplies. This solution may not work for everyone, but for an energetic kid, it’s wonderful.
respaced says
I think you have a point there, that for an energetic kid, it might be perfect. On the other hand, would an energetic kid be willing to take the time to turn a knob to get the basket down every time he wanted a toy? Or take the time to hoist the baskets back up there every night (because he would have to, so as to not run into dangling ropes in the middle of the night!) This is what I’m not so sure about.You’re absolutely right, in my book, that this would not work for adults. Thanks for reading and commenting!
Carla says
I think it’s an awesome idea! I am going to have my husband build some lightweight yet sturdy boxes. I’m in the process of making my girls’ room into a whimsical fairy land. I think I will paint the ceiling sky blue and decorate the boxes like they are clouds. I can hardly wait to get started!
Carla says
Oh and I’m going to put the pulley ropes up high and it of their reach so I can ration their toys!
respaced says
Hi Carla, if you do build the pulley system, I would love to see a picture of it! Please email me a photo and I’ll post it to my FB page and blog. Thanks for reading and take care.