Hoo boy, we are sometimes our own WORST enemy when it comes to getting organized because of the things we tell ourselves! Here’s a list of the most common thoughts we hear and how to reframe them: Thought: I’m just going to put this here for now. Reframe: Stuff never stays there momentarily. Chances are, […]
Pretty organizing containers are not enough
Pretty containers and cool systems alone won’t keep you organized. You need two other pieces: Behavior and Motivation. Behavior: making time each day or every other day to put things back into their new system. Motivation: Remembering WHY you are making time each day to put things away. What are you moving TOWARDS? […]
Will you make me get rid of my things?
No, we will never make you throw away your things (and we won’t make your spouse throw away his or her things either.) We respect you, your house, and your decisions while we are in your home, and if you don’t want to get rid of certain things, then we won’t force you to. We […]
Still going strong, even with the county freeze!
Hi everyone, MaryJo here. Just wanted to let you know that we are all still going strong here at reSPACEd and staying open during this 4 week freeze for Multnomah County. We are being super bossy about making sure our clients wear masks when we work with them, and we are wearing masks and gloves […]