Oh my goodness, it has been so long since I updated my blog! Suffice it to say, I’ve been busy. With what? Well, I’ve been organizing a lot of home offices lately. This made me realize I often get asked about my own home office and how a professional organizer sets up her workspace. So today I reveal all. Here you go:
That’s it. All I have are my jar of office supplies, my planner and notebook, plus the current client files I am working on. My laptop is on the shelf above. The Things To Be Returned basket for the family is on the bottom shelf. That’s all I need on a daily basis to run reSPACEd.
Instead of a desk, I sit at my dining room table. This shelving unit (actually Nathan’s old Ikea Trofast unit tipped on its side) sits behind the table, so I can quickly put my work things away when it’s time for dinner. Here’s a wider shot:
We do have an actual home office upstairs that holds my filing cabinet, printer, work supplies, office supplies and small reference library. But I have never been able to bring myself to work up there for very long. So just like I tell my clients, “Work with the habits you have,” I worked with my habit of sitting at the table, and set up my workspace there.
Maybe you too don’t need a conventional home office. You just need a jar of office supplies and a place to prop up your laptop. What else could you use your home office for if you didn’t use it as a home office? Maybe a craft room, sewing room, home library, media room, yoga room, playroom, guest bedroom? There are a lot of possibilities! But one thing is for sure. Not everybody needs a home office.